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Standard Parts


FIBRO Standard Parts
  ——Always a match for your technology !

The HiTech Range from Hassmersheim.

The pruchase of Standard Parts entails confidence. Condfidence in the unchanging quality of these components for vital production facilities depend on their reliability! The robust-ness, longevity and excellence you demand are warranted by the experience of FIBRO. By their inbred quality consciousness and superb manufacturing plant.

The FIBRO- link is prized by many and experienced technician.He knows that FIBRO in their modern plant produce large batches of standard parts along economical lines. And he has come to value the promptness of deliveries from his nearby distributor. Especially at times of breakdowns, when time counts.

Indeed, FIBRO offers customer service "par excellance", Technical advisors are trained to give optimal assistance.

Their knowledge carries the collective experience of FIBRO. Technical advice is given freely, and you will find it objective.The solution to that long-unresolved roduction problem ofter emerged from consultation with FIBRO's representative.

The FIBRO range of Standard Parts for toolmakers, machine builders and general engine-ering comprises:

Die sets - to DIN or FIBRO work standards - or to customer's drawing. From cast iron, steel or aluminium. With sliding guides, or ball/roller bearings.

Guide Elements - for inhouse construction of special die sets and fixtures as well as engineering uses. Guide pillars in various designs. Mounting flange guides with sliding, ball or roller bearings. Complete ball bearing elements and ferrite sliding units. Maintenance- free plain bearing elements for cylingrical and flat guides. And many accessories such as spigots, hoisting and storage aids.

Punches - with cylindrical or conical head. To DIN or customer's drawing. In eight choices of material. FIBRO quality control, throughout all stages of production, here particularly serves to boost the perfomance potential of these die parts: exceptional runs between regrinds offer substantial savings to any press shop.

Picture for Production: All production Gas Springs Pcunches and Matrixes Guide Elements Elastomer Springs
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